Miniature Painting & Hobby Advertising For Cheap!
We offer advertising opportunities for those who wish to promote their website, stores, or anything that’s related to the miniature painting community.
Right now this site is small and growing, so the average monthly visitors is currently 7,000 per-month. So, the advertising options we have are extremely affordable.
If you’re interested in placing an ad on our site then read on to see what we’re offering.
Advertising Pricing
What you’ll see below are the respective positions on the site where the ad will be placed, the size of an acceptable ad, and the cost for that position. All prices are on a per-month basis.
We can discuss other options on pricing as well, such as CPM pricing, per-click pricing, etc.
All ads must be in an image format, such as JPG, PNG, or GIF. No other formats will be accepted.
Above Content: 728 x 90 (Available)
Price: $10
This shows below every tutorial on the site. It’s a prominent position that’s seen the most by site visitors.
Ideally ads would be 728 x 90, but smaller ads could be shown instead as long as they’re in a horizontal format.
Sidebar Top: 300 x 300 or 300 x 600 (Available)
Price: $6
This position is shown on every tutorial and article at the top right in the sidebar. It’s a very noticeable position for desktop users. However, it’s seen less by mobile users as the sidebar is moved below the tutorial or article.
Placing an Ad
If you are interested in running an ad with me, or getting more information, please use the form below.