Layering and Glazing for Non-Metallic Metal (NMM) Blending

Are you looking for a way to smooth out your paint layers on miniatures?

Miniature painting often requires that a painter blend multiple colors together to create transitions on a model’s surface. Although there are many color blending techniques, a tried and true approach is to combine paint “layering” with “glazing” to create smooth blends over small areas.

The key is controlling the width and depth of the blended paint elements. This is especially important for non-metallic metal (NMM) painting on miniatures, because of how subtle changes in light and dark tones affect the overall faux metallic appearance.

In this article, I demonstrate how I use “layering and glazing” to smooth out two base coat colors on a curved surface. My goal is to show you a simple way to take the basic paint layering technique to the next level by applying thin layer glazes.

Continue to Layering and Glazing for Non-Metallic Metal (NMM) Blending

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