5 Ways to Discover Your Miniature Painting Style

“You’re unique, just like everyone else.” This oxymoron is a principle for why you will always be different than your neighbor. This includes painting miniatures and other art forms. But, what is fascinating is that you don’t actually know the particulars of your “uniqueness” until you express it.

And, perhaps this is why discovering your artistic style is a worthy pursuit. In essence, discovering how you make art, your style, is also a way to discovering who you are.

How do you go about discovering your miniature painting style?

This is a great question! I’m 100% sure this is a question that many artists also ask at some point. Whether you’re a novelist, a photographer, an illustrator, or dancer, at some point, you’ll wonder what your style is….

Continue to 5 Ways to Discover Your Miniature Painting Style

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